Women's Career Restart (CaRe) is our main program, primarily aimed at providing workforce training to women, to help female head of households who may be referred as ALICE (eg. working 2 jobs and struggling with childcare).
Our 8 weeks training course (in collaboration with Minnodi LLC) followed by internship program helps women re-invent themselves while financially improving their situation. Aavanee provides women with financial education as well as empowerment through various resources available at county, state and federal levels.
Another serious issue affecting some of the women is intimate partner violence or domestic abuse (more prevalent among immigrant communities). Aavanee works in private and helps them navigate through this tough situation by providing support and resources for their health, legal support, childcare, employment and network.
Our 8 weeks training course (in collaboration with Minnodi LLC) followed by internship program helps women re-invent themselves while financially improving their situation. Aavanee provides women with financial education as well as empowerment through various resources available at county, state and federal levels.
Another serious issue affecting some of the women is intimate partner violence or domestic abuse (more prevalent among immigrant communities). Aavanee works in private and helps them navigate through this tough situation by providing support and resources for their health, legal support, childcare, employment and network.
In case of emergency, please call 911
for other consultation, support, help, please call our toll-free number
for other consultation, support, help, please call our toll-free number
we are THANKful to MONTGOMERY COUNTY NTAMS GRANT, COMMUNITY FOUNDATION IMPACT GRANT, WOMEn's giving circle of frederick county for 2021-23 grantS, rotary club of frederick grant, ARPA/ANCHR GRANT and MANY KIND DONORS OVER THE YEARS!